The Underground Railroad

(Teachers of Underground Railroad)

Internet Resources

Lesson Plans

Books and other Print Materials

 We know it wasn't underground. We know it wasn't a railroad. What was the Underground Railroad all about? Who was involved? What were the actual facts? When did this happen? Why?

So many questions…

Now teachers and students have the opportunity to participate in this project of learning about the Underground Railroad.


  • To connect schools who are studying about the Underground Railroad
  • To foster projects on the Underground Railroad
  • To share resources on the Underground Railroad
  • To construct a digital quilt on the web site whereas school communities would submit their factual information and photos about Underground Railroad activity in their area
  • To write an imaginary journey along the Underground Railroad for the website; this would include information specific to the area
  • To understand map skills associated with the project
  • To incorporate children's literature in daily class lessons
  • To provide places for families to visit along Freedom's Trail

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Project Coordinators: Kim Kozbial-Hess, Toledo (Ohio) Public Schools

Jim Wenzloff, Consultant

A Pioneering Partners Award Recipient
