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Michigan Time Line 1600's






1618 - Etienne Brul'e passes through the North Channel at the neck of Lake Huron. By 1622, he and a companion, Grenoble, landed at Sault Ste. Marie. They were most likely the first white men there. The Native American poplulation in Michigan is estimated to be 15,000.

1668 - Father Jacques Marquette took over the Sault Ste. Marie mission. He founded the first permanent settlement in Michigan.

1671 - The first military outpost, For de Buade (Fort Michilimackinac) is established at St. Ignace.

1679 - The Griffin, the first sailing vessel on the Great Lakes was built by Ren'e Robert Cavelier de La Salle. It was later lost in a storm on Lake Michigan.


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