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Let's Go Whale Watching!

There's nothing quite like watching whales on a sunny day on Lake Michigan. The wind blowing in your face, the warm sun keeping you warm, and the site of huge whales surfacing near your boat. That is a day to remember.

Hector, an experience whale guide, will lead you and your friends to sites on Lake Michigan where you can view whales and dolphins. This is an exciting trip that you won't want to miss.

Lake Michigan Whale Watching
Ernie Broglio Marina and Seaplane Lagoon
Lower Shores, Michigan 69117

To book your trip. Visit the Lake Michigan Whale Watching web site at: http://www.geocities.com/lakemichiganwhales/

Or view a PDF copy of the site.

Your students can use this web site to write reports about Whales and Dolphins in Lake Michigan. What a great resource.

This page was last modified on Sunday, November 30, 2003
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