Emmett Till

Mississippi Trial 1955
Chris Crowe

Civil Rights Post 1955
Jim Crow

|How the Jim Crow Laws Effected People | Jim Crow Laws in Alabama | Jim Crow Laws in Georgia | Laws in Louisiana | Laws in South Carolina | Laws in North Carolina | Laws in West Vergina | Laws in Mississippi | Laws in Kentucky |

Jim Crow Laws - West Virginia

By Katelyn

1865: Blacks and whites are to have separate schools if there are more than 30 Negro children in the district. If the attendance of the school drops below an average of 15 students, the school will be closed down for six months. If there are less than 30 Negro children in a district the funds for the children will be used by the board in the best way they can.

1872: Blacks and whites will not be taught in the same schools

1873: The number of Negroes in a school district will be 15 or more.

1873: Colored people’s records will be kept in a different book

1882: White people who marry a colored person shall be jailed up to one year and fined $200.

1901: Number of blacks in a school has to be at least 10

1931: Miscegenation is a misdemeanor

1931: Every race has a separate school building

1955: Blacks get mental asylums

1955: Governor may make a unit of blacks for the army

1955: Fine of $100 for whites marrying blacks

1957: Tuberculosis hospital for blacks is discontinued



This page was last updated on: Thursday, January 19, 2012